Online business ideas

Ideas for your online business

€39 (excl. VAT) a month.
Ideas for your online business

What can you sell online? The best ideas for your digital business

Today, online sales opportunities are almost endless. In recent years, we have seen exponential growth in digital commerce; for this reason, more and more people with ideas for online businesses have decided to take this path.
The increase in demand has gone hand in hand with an increase in the number of e-commerce sites being created each day, and on which you can launch your own digital business.
However, although there may be an advantage to having a wide choice of websites on which to sell your products, it can also be confusing. It's always advised to turn to reliable websites that offer a range of services to ensure increased sales. Banking on the wrong e-commerce site could jeopardise your business so, considering the large number of e-commerce sites operating in online sales, the first step is to target those with high visibility and the most additional services that can help you develop your business and achieve your goals.
Because the initial investment is low risk, requiring neither large amounts of capital to start up the business nor the array of expenses that opening a physical shop would otherwise entail, the process of starting an online business is easy and appealing.
However, although the process of starting to sell online is quite simple, new sellers need to be aware of the latest market trends, what the market has to offer and, above all, they need to set clear goals by professionally designing their growth plan before starting with actual selling.
As mentioned above, there are many e-commerce sites on which to sell online. Of course, the most well-known and comprehensive of these, partly due to the wide range of additional services it offers, is Amazon. Amazon has hundreds of millions of active accounts worldwide. By choosing Amazon as your online sales website and designing a professional growth plan, you stand a very good chance of success.
Why start an online business?

Why start an online business?

The reasons for taking the online sales route are manifold. Here are just a few:
  1. The ability to work when and where you want.
    With an online sales business, you can work at any time of the day and from anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer and an Internet connection.
    You can therefore choose your working hours without being physically tied to a fixed location. Online sellers can use their own home as an office or set up a separate office in a convenient location. The choice of location will not affect your online business in the slightest.
  2. No need for employees.
    Online sellers can work independently without the support of employees. If the seller does not have all the skills needed to carry out all tasks, they can simply call on the support of freelancers. For example, a graphic designer, photographer, translator or copywriter may be hired for a limited period of time.
  3. The job is done once, but the earnings keep flowing in.
    Once the online seller has established their sales strategy and uploaded their products onto the e-commerce site, the sales system is in place. All that's left is to drive traffic to your products and collect your earnings, while also remembering to update your database.
  4. Low overhead costs and high margins.
    An online business can often eliminate some of the huge costs associated with an offline business, such as expensive office space and long-term lease commitments, but also the need to tie up large amounts of capital in inventory.
  5. Access to the global market.
    A positive aspect of an online business is that it can be managed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without borders. There are no geographical obstacles and there are no specific opening hours, as an online business can produce revenue all day long, even while the seller is sleeping.
    With a well-thought-out digital marketing and communication plan, search engine optimisation and paid media strategies, an online business will continue to thrive. The online seller will have the whole world at their fingertips.
Creating your own e-commerce site from scratch can be very expensive. In addition, attracting visitors, selling your own products and achieving decent visibility are goals that can take a long time. A personal website is therefore not always the right sales channel, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.
What's more, not everyone has the special skills to be able to program their own e-commerce site and this can lead to high set-up costs and the need for external support. In addition, you also need to provide for a rather large advertising budget, which is not easy to calculate, especially in the early days of the business due to the lack of reliable data with which to establish percentages related to turnover, the product's life cycle and the objectives to be achieved.
Space must also be devoted to traffic monitoring and site maintenance, which take up valuable business time and are often not something an individual vendor can manage.
Add to this the fact that new online sales sites do not have much credibility in the eyes of the public. When it comes to shopping or selling online, Amazon remains one of the most popular websites for potential buyers.
Amazon is comprehensive and easy to use. It also offers a variety of services, ranging from advertising to fulfilment. It's these factors that make it the most comprehensive e-commerce site for online sales today.

How to sell on Amazon.

The first step to joining Amazon as a selling partner is to register as a seller on the website. The registration process is simple and intuitive.
By accessing the site, you can register as a new selling partner by choosing between two different selling plans:
  • Individual selling plan: with a fixed cost per item sold.
  • Professional selling plan: with a monthly cost.
The choice between the two plans depends on the number of products that you plan to sell on the site. Without a doubt, if the number of items on sale is small, an individual selling plan may work out cheaper; otherwise, having a fixed monthly cost may be the best option.
Your choice of plan is not final, so if you start with an individual plan and over time realise that this isn't the best solution, you can always change your choice, and vice versa.
At this point, all you have to do is follow the next steps and list the products you intend to sell based on the product groups offered.
It can be difficult to figure out which product group to focus on. That's why it's recommended to carry out a careful assessment of the competition.
Amazon is a very intuitive site, which makes it easy to identify the products most representative of market trends.
Focus your analysis on "Best Sellers" (divided into groups) by reading the reviews left by buyers for your competing stores. Users do this as well and only decide to buy if there is positive feedback, otherwise they'll turn to a more reliable alternative.
Read the product descriptions carefully too, because within them you'll find all the information you need to understand the purchasing potential of a product:
  • price of the item;
  • dimensions and weight;
  • sales rankings;
  • reviews.
After this comparative analysis of the items being sold by your competitors, all you have to do is place your products in the relevant product group.

Product sheets are an essential starting point to work from.
Efficiently optimising product sheets will help you not only to better present what you want to sell, but also to reach your target audience faster.
The sales rate of the product and the amount of content on the sheet are two of the main factors that influence their effectiveness.

To this end, it's worth studying the Amazon guidelines in depth and then creating your product sheet with these three fundamental points in mind:
  • use of strategic keywords;
  • appealing descriptions that will entice the buyer to purchase;
  • titles that are clear and at the same time indispensable.
We live in a society where the visual component plays a key role, so words are not enough to attract buyers. An important and often a predominant part of a product's success is its photos.
You should therefore include eye-catching images in your product sheets.
This means always using high-quality images and photos.
Even a small imperfection, such as blurry or grainy elements, can hinder a sale's success. The end customer, even though they are not a photography expert, focuses their choice on products with a professional product sheet and a high-quality image.

Bear the following points in mind:
  • study the formats supported by Amazon;
  • invest in professional photos;
  • add photos of the product in different contexts and from different perspectives;
  • carefully select the main photo.
By adhering to the above points, the chances of your product being purchased will increase. At this stage, the importance of price should not be underestimated.

An effective strategy for selecting a price is to study and compare those charged by competitors for the same products. Through an accurate comparison, you can then work out which is the best price to offer the buyer. This step is crucial because a product with a price that is too low risks looking cheap, while a product with a price that is too high might make the buyer seek out other sellers.

In addition, the price must be updated from time to time. This is because trends are constantly changing and a certain type of product in a given period may have a different price for different reasons. A final tip, therefore, is to use not only competitors' prices as a benchmark, but also the sales performance of that product over the course of the year. Amazon offers tools that allow you to analyse the prices of items in the same product group so that they are always contextually appropriate.

In addition to the fixed cost linked to the sales plan you choose, you should budget for the fees charged per product group for each item sold. On each product sold, Amazon deducts a percentage fee based on the product group to which the product belongs, calculated on the total sales price.
This is equal to the total amount paid by the buyer, including the price of the item and any shipping or gift wrap costs. Most of the fees per product group are between 8% and 15%.
In addition, there may also be management costs related to fulfilment. With Fulfilment by Amazon, you only pay for the services that you use. On the Amazon site, you'll also find a simple and up-to-date fulfilment cost calculator.
There are no subscription fees, contracts or minimum inventory requirements. You send your products to the Amazon Fulfilment Centre, which then takes care of the packaging and shipping. In addition, the service guarantees multilingual customer support, telephone or email, open day and night, at no additional cost.
So the advantages of using a site like Amazon are not only related to the undoubtedly lower costs, but also to the ease of use and comprehensive nature of the website. Being able to process an order without having to find and deal with a courier company for shipping and being able to analyse sales data on the same website speeds up the entire sales process. This also has direct consequences on the final price of the item, which may therefore be lower and more attractive to buyers.
What and how to sell on Amazon Handmade?

What and how do I sell on Amazon Handmade?

To understand what you can sell on Amazon Handmade, it's important to know that this programme is a showcase where artisans can present their business and sell their handmade products.
Even before being known as "the e-commerce giant", Amazon stood out for its systematic approach and organisation, which are also demonstrated in its relationship with sellers. To sell on Amazon Handmade, you must submit an application by filling in a form providing all the required information, including product photos and details about your business.
What are the requirements to sell on Handmade? The products must be made entirely by hand and not assembled from a kit. This specification is very important, for example, fitting pendants onto a chain to make something you like is not enough to make a product "handmade".
The aim is to promote true artisans and to attract the attention and interest of all those buyers who have been disappointed by their previous experiences on other websites, where they purchased pre-packaged articles presented as handmade.
Once you've decided what to sell, it's time to create a real profile. An artisan's online store is like a physical storefront. The way in which the products are organised and their prices will play a fundamental role in the success of your business.
Each profile is relatively standardised, as Amazon leaves room for the creativity of the individual seller.
Here are some tips to improve your profile:
  • Choose a catchy name. The first element that can be customised is the name of the store. Many sellers have had success using short, punchy names that summarise, in one or a few words, the unique features of their business. The URL can also be customised to include the name of your store.
  • Describe your craft and your inspiration. Amazon gives you space to describe your craft and what inspires your creativity. Your inspiration acts as a tagline at the top of your profile. You can also insert a biography to tell your story.
  • Show the production process. Amazon lets you show the production process for each item on your profile. You can expand on your research into the materials used and describe the care and effort that has gone into making the pieces.
  • Add where the products come from. Many people who buy handmade goods want to know where they come from. It is therefore recommended to provide your location. This will also allow you to be found more easily by buyers in your area.
Once the profile has been created, it's time to put your products on sale, paying particular attention to the quality of your items' photos.
Not being able to see the object in person, the photo becomes an essential element that should not be underestimated. When shopping online, the attention of potential buyers focuses on the photo of the object, even before the description. As a result, if the photo is not very good quality and does not show the product from different angles, potential buyers will turn their attention to items from other competing stores. Quality images are a pre-requisite for online sales.
Amazon requires the main product image to be taken against a completely white background, offering customers a complete view of the product. Sellers should also use professional-level lighting for a well-lit photo.
Along with the main photo, which shows the item in its entirety, you can also upload other images that highlight additional details of the product or how it is used (they can also include labels and text). The shots must be effective, presenting each item in the best possible way. If the materials used are of a high quality, this must be evident and discernible in the photos. You can find detailed information about product image requirements on
Another key aspect of product sheets is the text. The text is necessary to convey the key information relating to each item and certain fields must be filled in. These include title, description, quantity for sale, weight and product group. On the Amazon site there are several suggestions regarding the titles to assign to each product, with recommendations on which to use and which to avoid.
To be found, a listing must be optimised. People only find products on Amazon by means of a search. So you must consider what hypothetical buyers are thinking when they are searching for your product.
Strategic keywords and attractive descriptions that encourage them to buy are the basis of a good description, like the inclusion of clear and concise titles.
Once you have created your online store, you can decide whether you want to focus solely on producing and selling your handmade items, leaving Amazon to take care of fulfilment and shipping or whether you want to handle fulfilment and shipping as well. In addition, to help sellers expand their customer base, the service offers the chance to advertise your products by displaying them on the first page of search results or on product pages.

If the online sales activity qualifies as occasional services, you don't need to register for VAT or have a VAT number. For more information, please contact your tax advisor.
Publish your book with Amazon Kindle

Publish your book with Amazon Kindle

Today it's possible to publish a book on Amazon and the process is not difficult at all. Often thought to be a complex task, Amazon has made it very simple and intuitive. First, you must register with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP).
Registration is very simple: you basically complete the fields relating to your personal and billing data where, at a later date, payments will be received.
We recommend that you refer to the guidelines for creating a document that meets the publication specifications. In general, bear in mind that the accepted formats are HTML and Doc, but also the typical e-book formats MOBI and EPUB. Amazon also offers a free online tool for creating your own cover and, like all self-publishing services, it lets you choose the final price of the book when it reaches the market.
When it comes to promotions, Amazon offers prospective authors a very wide range of services for earning more money (like KDP Select) and reaching more readers (like KDP Unlimited).
It's always advised to contact readers directly, inviting them to leave their reviews about the book once they have bought it. Their comments, together with sales, will allow you to climb the Amazon rankings faster.
An important aid to boosting sales is organised marketing and personal branding; what makes the difference in sales, especially in the long term, is the writer's reputation.
The book can also be published in paper format through the Amazon Createspace service, with attractive royalties and widespread brand distribution.
To log in to Createspace and publish a paperback book with Amazon, you must create a separate account from your KDP account. Once you've registered, you can choose between basic services (free, but still excellent) and professional services (paid).
Once this is done, all that's left is to publish your book and distribute it.
For this second step, you'll need an ISBN.

You can choose between different ISBNs:
  • Automatic ISBN: this is free and allows you to print and distribute through Createspace.
  • Custom ISBN: an author can choose their own printer/publisher and distribution is again entrusted to Createspace.
  • Universal ISBN: allows you to use the ISBN with any publisher, but is only available to those who live in the USA.
  • Personal ISBN: this is free as it reuses an ISBN that the author already has.
Amazon Kindle also allows you to transfer a paper book that has been published with Createspace to KDP and vice versa.
The best-selling products in Italy in 2022

10 online business ideas

To sell successfully online, it is very important to keep up to date with the latest sales trends. In fact, selecting which products to sell must take into account the latest trends and, given the ever-changing market, the ability to reinvent yourself also plays a key role, for instance, by changing product or strategy.

Amazon comes to your rescue with the Best Sellers section showcasing the best-selling product categories. Analysing these product groups is a mirror into the latest market trends and provides an objective assessment of the prices of competing products.

The best-selling items on Amazon are categorised by product group. Here are some examples:
1. Home and Kitchen:
One of the most popular business ideas is household products. From water filters and coffee machines to digital kitchen scales and robot vacuum cleaners, these items are taking up more and more space in modern homes.
2. Electronics:
Electronics is a sector that is constantly growing, offering numerous opportunities for those who want to start an online business. Products such as the Fire TV Stick (with or without TV controls), AirPods, stereo headphones and printers/scanners are in high demand. Mobile phones are also a popular choice, as they continue to be one of the devices we use the most in our everyday lives.
3. Sports and Outdoors:
The sports and leisure sector offers a multitude of online business opportunities. Products such as fitness trackers and smartwatches are highly sought after for monitoring physical activity and health. Fitness equipment that is ideal for working out at home is also gaining popularity among those who want to keep fit.
4. Books
The book market offers plentiful opportunities for those who want to start selling online. From fiction and sci-fi to self-help books and practical guides, there's a huge range of categories that can appeal to readers of all tastes.

5. Beauty
More and more people are trying to take care of their skin and buying beauty products. Face creams, curling irons, anti-wrinkle treatments, hair dryers and make-up products are in high demand for maintaining and improving our appearance.
6. Clothing
Most people love fashion, meaning that selling clothes online is always a good idea. Offering a selection of on-trend garments and a variety of styles that satisfy various contemporary preferences and trends can attract a wide range of buyers.
7. Video games
Video games continue to be extremely popular among people of all ages, and selling games online is always a good choice. With a wide range of titles from the latest releases to timeless classics, you can attract fans of all tastes and levels of experience, offering an immersive and up-to-date gaming experience.
8. Handmade
The world of craftsmanship offers unique and personalised products that are winning over more and more customers. Christening favours, sweet gift boxes and household items are perfect for special occasions and decorating domestic environments. Wooden and ceramic products made with care and attention to detail add a special touch to any space, making every purchase a truly unparalleled experience.
9. CDs and vinyl
CDs and vinyl are enjoying a renaissance thanks to people's love of high-quality music and the charms of the physical format. Whether recent albums or rare editions, these formats offer a unique and authentic listening experience. Offering a selection of CDs and vinyl can attract collectors and music lovers who are eager to enrich their collection with exclusive pieces and unmistakable sounds.
10. Furniture
With the growth of e-commerce, customers now find it easier to buy furniture online — an option that was previously available primarily in physical stores. Explore our guide to selling furniture online for expert advice and strategies for success.
You can also consider different categories with high demand and chances of success, such as:
Now you know which items sell best in e-commerce stores, all you have to do is decide which business option suits you most based on your tastes, knowledge or skills — and start turning your online business ideas into reality.
Delivery options for online sales

Delivery options for online sales

Managing deliveries is not easy, but "Fulfilment by Amazon" offers valuable support.
Packaging of products, shipping of goods, customer service and handling of returns are just some of the aspects to be considered when selling online.
Amazon offers an effective service for all those businesses that do not have a business structure capable of supporting certain logistics flows.
To use Amazon's services, you must select "Fulfilment by Amazon" when listing your products and then send your items to an Amazon Fulfilment Centre, where they will be stored.

As soon as the products are in Amazon's warehouses, the company's own staff will package and ship them to buyers. In addition, Amazon will provide assistance, handle returns and send a tracking number for packages once the order is finalised.
The rates for Fulfilment by Amazon vary from product to product.
Once you have ensured that you meet the requirements for preparation and packaging, your products can be sent to Amazon.
The first cost to cover is the initial shipment of items from your business premises to the e-commerce fulfilment centres. You pay for the first shipment. If you require Amazon to collect the products, instead of shipping them yourself, the service will be charged to your Seller Central Account. Otherwise, if you use a courier for shipping, payment will be made on the courier's website or at the end of the month. With Fulfilment by Amazon, you only pay for the services that you use.
There are no subscription fees, contracts or minimum inventory requirements. You ship your products to the fulfilment centre, paying only for the handling services and storage space used. These rates are fixed based on the type, size and weight of the product.
All fees are deducted from the total amount paid by the buyer at the time of sale. The remaining amount, visible in the Payments section of the Reports tab in your Seller Central Account, will then be credited to your bank account. An electronic invoice will be sent monthly by email, containing all fees or other amounts due.

Low-Price FBA

Low-Price FBA is aimed at products costing up to €10 that are small and lightweight, as the programme reduces the costs involved in handling these items. The main aim of the programme is to try to reduce the management costs of products deemed eligible. The programme is particularly beneficial if the seller does not use the FBA (Fulfilment by Amazon) service, but decides to handle the order processing independently. What are the benefits of the programme? There are three main benefits. Firstly, the programme reduces the seller's fulfilment management costs compared to what they would incur with the traditional Amazon sales programme. The result is an increase in profit margins, which translates into listings that are more competitive for the buyer. Furthermore, the programme provides access to a special customer service and FBA management service, which makes selling more effective and easier. There are other indirect benefits too, including the option of enrolling listings in the Pan-European and Remote Fulfilment with FBA programmes. This allows an immediate expansion of your business throughout Central Europe. Access to the programme also offers the possibility of sending inventory to a single location, so that it can be used for several stores as part of the Pan-European fulfilment network. This guarantees substantial savings on fulfilment costs: the seller only pays fees for the country in which it allows Amazon to store its products. To get all this, the first step is to sign up for Fulfilment by Amazon and create listings eligible for Low-Price FBA. Then, send your inventory to the fulfilment centre. To be considered eligible for the programme, products must:
  • be new;
  • measure a maximum of 33 x 23 x 5 cm;
  • not weigh more than 225 g;
  • have a price lower/equal to €10;
  • not fall into a product group that has restrictions. For example, adult products, dangerous goods or temperature-sensitive products between 1 May and 14 October.
Check here for all information related to the programme's costs.

Build and grow your brand online

Creating their own brand is an important operation for a selling partner. A brand is not just about a recognisable name and logo in a crowded marketplace. The brand is also the way in which buyers perceive the seller. To create a brand, you must be consistent and maintain that consistency throughout your business. But first, you must decide what this consistency will look like and what effect it will have on buyers.
The first step in creating a proprietary brand is to thoroughly study the current market to understand who your potential buyers are, as well as your competitors.
Sellers must identify their target audience and their personal originality because, especially in the early stages, brands should not target the general public indiscriminately.

This is even more true for businesses aimed at a niche audience: e-commerce enables you to reach your specific target audience with the chance to create a community of fans of your brand.
If you are already a brand owner, Amazon offers the option of registering with the Amazon Brand Registry.
This service protects your brand rights by reporting possible infringements to your exclusive rights or inaccurate content found on e-commerce sites belonging to competing brands.
You'll have control over your online listings and you can proactively defend the uniqueness of your products.
Until recently, Amazon only included registered brands in their Brand Registry. Now, however, the site has adapted its rules to Italian law and it is possible to have Amazon Brand Registry also protect trademarks filed with the Trademark Office and awaiting approval.
The first task to be performed in order to gain access to the Amazon Brand Registry is, therefore, to apply to register your brand with the relevant Trademark Office for the territory in which you operate or in which you sell your products.
At present, Amazon only accepts brands registered in certain territories in its Brand Registry, one of which is the European Union, and therefore Italy.
If, for example, you sell your products within Italy, you can submit an application for registration to the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi – UIBM).
Before you can apply for registration with the Amazon Brand Registry, you must first start the process of registering your brand with the Trademark Office, but you do not then have to wait until the end of this process – you can be protected as soon as you have filed the relevant application for registration. Italian and European law stipulate that the rights of a registered trademark take effect from the date of filing of the trademark application: it is, therefore, not necessary to wait until you receive the registration certificate in order to be able to warn someone against using a trademark that is the same or similar to yours.
To sign up, you'll need to provide Amazon Brand Registry with the following basic information:
  • the name of the registered or submitted trademark;
  • the trademark application or registration number issued to you by the Italian or European Trademark Office;
  • a list of the product categories that you're interested in;
  • a list of the countries where you make or sell your products.
A request for inclusion of a brand in the Amazon Brand Registry can only be submitted by the trademark owner. If you are a vendor or seller on Amazon, you can use your Vendor or Seller Central credentials to access it.

You can add other registered trademarks that you own at any time. This Amazon service is very quick and efficient.
Advertising, meanwhile, provides a useful way to increase visibility and sales on Amazon.
Once registered in Seller Central, the seller has access to the "Advertising" menu and then to "Campaign management". Just click on "Create campaign" and choose "Sponsored Products". Once you have filled in the mandatory fields (campaign name, daily budget and ad group name), simply insert the item you want to advertise and click on "Launch campaign".
There's no need to change any settings – simply activate the advertising account for the specific marketplace.
Once the campaign is up and running, you can pause it or, if necessary, even archive it.


This article evaluates the main factors that are driving more and more people to venture into the world of online sales. Choosing an e-commerce site on which to sell your products is the first step in starting a business and making it successful. The article simply and intuitively explains how to register with Amazon, currently the most comprehensive site for online sales. thanks to all the additional services that Amazon offers – such as FBA, which guarantees support with shipping and storing products. If you are an artisan, the Amazon Handmade programme gives you the opportunity to sell your handmade items and gain global visibility. Last but not least, Amazon not only handles the sale of products and the respective logistics, it also allows you to publish your book, either in print or in eBook format, if you're a writer.


Why should I sell online?
The answer is simple: because almost everyone is buying online now. Keeping up with the times by starting to sell online ensures that you reach an increasingly large audience and allows you to expand your business beyond national borders and make your online business idea a reality.
Why should I choose Amazon for my e-commerce site?
Amazon is one of the most popular e-commerce sites. Every day millions of people shop on Amazon and this is a guarantee of visibility. Your target audience will increase and, consequently, so will your opportunities.
What sales plans are available?
There are two sales plans available: "individual" and "professional". The two plans differ substantially in the sense that the individual one has a cost per item sold, while the professional one has a fixed monthly cost regardless of the items sold.
How does Amazon registration work?
Start by choosing one of the two sales plans and setting up an Amazon selling account. Make sure that you have access to your bank details, credit card, a valid ID, relevant tax information and a phone number on hand to complete the registration.
What should I do if I'm a brand owner?
If you're a brand owner, you can register your brand in the Amazon Brand Registry.
This allows you to protect your brand rights by reporting suspected violations or proactively requesting the removal of inaccurate content.
Which products sell best on Amazon?
The best-selling items vary from day to day and can include books, children's items, electronics, household and outdoor items. Check out Amazon's Best Sellers for a real-time update of the best-selling products.
How much does it cost to ship my items?
Shipping costs vary depending on whether you intend to fulfil orders yourself, use a combination of shipping options or use Amazon's FBA to handle all fulfilment and customer service.
How much does Fulfilment by Amazon cost?
The cost of the FBA service is made up of a fixed handling fee per unit based on the size and weight of the product sold and a storage fee, which is set per cubic metre of space actually used within the Amazon warehouse. The FBA service does not entail any fixed or annual membership fees. Referral fees are then charged per item sold, along with management costs, which include storage fees and any other costs.
Can I publish my book with Amazon?
Yes, the Amazon programme that allows you to publish your books, both in digital and paper formats, is Amazon Kindle. Always refer to the guidelines for creating a document that complies with publication specifications and follow the registration process, which is very simple.
Amazon also provides a free online tool to create your cover and, like all self-publishing services, gives you the option of choosing the final price at which to market your book.
How can I sell my products made entirely by hand?
Amazon has a programme dedicated to handmade products called Amazon Handmade.
On this storefront, artisans can showcase their wares and sell their handmade products.
Can anyone sell on Amazon Handmade or are there restrictions?
The Amazon Handmade programme is well regulated, so not everyone can sell their handicrafts. Before you can start selling, you must apply to the website, fill in a form and enter all the required information, including some product photos. To be considered suitable for sale on Amazon Handmade, products must meet specific requirements, which can be found here.
Are there any programmes for companies selling small and light items?
Yes, within FBA, Amazon offers a programme aimed at small and lightweight products that have a maximum price of €12. This programme allows you to reduce your operating costs for these products.
How can I advertise my products on Amazon?
The advertisingservice offered by Amazon provides an effective way to increase the visibility of your products.

Start selling today

€39 (excl. VAT) a month.
Ideas for your online business
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